Having been in the shoes of a superhero, Hollywood actor Christian Bale agreed to play the Apple empire founder, Steve Jobs. British director and screenwriter Danny Boyle more known to us from the "Trainspotting" and "Slumdog Millionaire" will work on the film adaptation of Steve Jobs' biography.
The producers of the movie say they needed a unique actor for the role of Steve, "We needed the best actor on the board in a certain age range and that"s Chris Bale. The role is an extremely difficult role. He has more words to say than most people have in three movies combined. There isn't a scene or a frame that he's not in. And there's a tremendous amount of language. It's an extremely difficult part, and he's going to crush it."
Today it became known that Seth Rogen and Jessica Chastain would appear in the movie too. Is still unknown what role Chastain will get. As for Rogen, he will play Steve Wozniak, the co-founder of Apple.
The biopic will show three key events in the history of Apple – release of the first Macintosh computer in 1984, the launch of NeXT Cube in 1990 and the first iPod announce in 2001.
It is to be recalled that in 2013, we have already seen biopic about Steve Jobs – "Jobs". Ashton Kutcher played the lead role. But the movie was unsuccessful and received uncomplimentary reviews from critics and viewers. Apple's co-founder and Steve Jobs' friend, Steve Wozniak said that the film was really bad.