"We're really privileged that we have time and can afford to take time. We don't have a nanny or a night nurse or anything. It's just the two of us. It's unbelievable. It's the greatest thing on earth," enthusiastically told Ashton.
By the way, the couple did not come up with the unusual name immediately. First Mila and Ashton chose another name, an usual one, but when Kunis was at the last month of pregnancy, she suddenly realized that that name did not fit their future baby.
"We had another name picked out. We got pregnant a couple of weeks after we picked the name but when we were pregnant, the name didn't fit the energy we were feeling. One night, Mila was like, "This is not the name." I was like, okay it's not the name. I had to get the creative juices going, so we were going to a Lakers game, and I got name tourettes. I just started listing off anything and everything I saw: "sign, truck, wall, door…" She [was] like, "Shut up!" I said, "if you don't accept my bad ideas, you'll never accept the good ones." Then I was like, "I"ve got a really dumb idea. What about Wyatt?" She goes, "That's it."
And Wyatt's middle name was chosen in honor of Mila's heritage.
"We gave her the name Isabelle after Mila's grandfather, who was Yitzhak. And so it has a little heritage," added Ashton.
Once parents have chosen the name for the baby, as a modern father, Kutcher reserved all the domain names with Wyatt Isabel."I don't want a porn site with my daughter's name! It's unacceptable to me and it's not gonna happen," says Ashton. And 29-day-old Wyatt even has her own email address.
"We write her emails," said Ashton. "One day she'll be able to look at it and see the kinds of things people had to say."