On Friday, the actress was spotted in full “Spicey” costume, rolling down N.Y.C.’s 58th street on a podium on wheels, according to the PEOPLE magazine.
Losing her patience at one point, McCarthy-as-Spicer waves someone out of her path as she yells, “Come on. Come on!”
The sight brought joy to many passersby, some of whom took to Twitter to share clips and jokes.
So guys…this just happened on 59th St in NYC. @melissamccarthy @NBCSN #Spicey pic.twitter.com/PtOpneSRGU
— Sherrilyn Ifill (@Sifill_LDF) 12 мая 2017 г.
The only bright spot in this sh*t show. MRT @donie: Melissa McCarthy has the Sean Spicer podium on 58th Street #SNL pic.twitter.com/ThjS4yEaDw — (((Nancy B Parent))) (@Nanbp) 12 мая 2017 г.
when life gives you a video of Melissa McCarthy/Sean Spicer cruising down the street on a podium, add “Ridin’ Dirty” to it
(h/t @elanazak) pic.twitter.com/V2ae1UnDJ1
— Taylor Maycan (@TaylorMaycan) 12 мая 2017 г.
Is Melissa McCarthy rolling down street as Sean Spicer considered #bikenyc or a vehicle? Spicey needs a bike lane.https://t.co/8MaUqzMHEX — Kenneth Miraski (@kmiraski) 12 мая 2017 г.
The wheeled appearance comes one day after McCarthy gave fans another sneak peek of her upcoming return as Spicer, when she hosts Saturday Night Live for her sixth time this weekend.
When Friday has you feeling extra Spicey. #FridayFeeling #SNLLiveCoastToCoast pic.twitter.com/7CZKDHAKyK
— Saturday Night Live (@nbcsnl) 12 мая 2017 г.