Hello spring! This day is ideal for Arians to go out and have fun and Geminis should do some sports.
Moon is in Sagittarius, moving to Capricorn
06:28: Sun → Aries – vernal equinox
06:37: Moon (Sagittarius) Conjunction Saturn (Sagittarius)
This conjunction could show restrictions and reservation – the state of mind is melancholic and the health is feeble. Perhaps you feel not satisfied with the present situation – a few behave insincere. Inhibitions and hesitations within relationships are to be expected. Estrangements and divorce may occur. In isolation you can depend on yourself, but perhaps abandoned …
11:30: Moon → Capricorn
When the moon is in the sign of Capricorn we are serious, focused and determined. It is given to approach sublime goals. Duty calls – personal life comes off badly. Even less time for leisure and pleasure!
11:58: half moon (Capricorn)
This constellation spells difficulties with regard to career, family life and dealings towards the opposite sex.
Common Today’s daily horoscope
The astrological New Year is an annual rebirth that’s marked by the Sun’s shift into pioneering Aries at 6:28 am EDT. Although we are eager to charge ahead into the future, the Moon’s shift into cautious Capricorn at 11:30 am reminds us that haste makes waste. In fact, a crisis in consciousness arises from the clash between the calculating Mountain Goat and the spontaneous Ram as the compulsive Capricorn Moon squares the impulsive Aries Sun.
Daily horoscope for all zodiac signs. It’s your horoscope for today 20 March 2017
Aries Daily Horoscope
The next four weeks are all about you! Use this time to replenish yourself for the coming year ahead. Buy wardrobe goodies. Make the most of opportunities and important people who will be attracted to you. Yay me!
Taurus Daily Horoscope
It’s a mixed message for you in the next four weeks. Fiery Mars in your sign makes you are forthright and assertive. (Get more physical exercise.) Nevertheless, a different influence makes you want to hide behind the scenes. Yeah, it’s a juggling act.
Gemini Daily Horoscope
Get ready for a popular four weeks ahead where you will enjoy the company of younger people as well as artistic types. This is an excellent window of time for you to share your hopes and dreams for the future with others to get their feedback. Do some goalsetting.
Cancer Daily Horoscope
The Sun will be at the top of your chart for the next four weeks shining a flattering light on you. This is the only time all year this occurs, so it certainly will behoove you to make the most of this. Demand the advantage! Romance with a boss might happen.
Leo Daily Horoscope
You need to get outta Dodge in the next four weeks. You want freedom and a chance to travel so that you can have a change of scenery and a chance to meet new people and see new things. Any kind of study will appeal to you. Give yourself a chance to do this.
Virgo Daily Horoscope
Issues related to shared property, taxes, wills, inheritances and anything that you own jointly with others will be your primary focus for the next four weeks. This window of time is also a good time to explore getting a loan or mortgage because you will benefit from the wealth and resources of others.
Libra Daily Horoscope
Disputes about shared property, taxes and debt might arise in the next four weeks. Fortunately, with Venus opposite your sign, you will be charming with everyone. Use your Libran diplomacy to arrive at a win-win agreement. You also need more sleep in the coming month.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope
Be patient with partners and close friends now because fiery Mars opposite your sign can make you easily annoyed with others. Meanwhile, you are keen to get better organized in the next four weeks. You want a place for everything and everything in its place.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
It’s party city for Sagittarians for the next four weeks! This is the perfect time to go on a vacation. If you can’t do this, then take short trips; accept all invitations; enjoy the arts, sports events plus playful activities with children. Romance will flourish!
Capricorn Daily Horoscope
For the next four weeks, your focus will be on home, family and real-estate matters. In fact, many of you will be redecorating and entertaining where you live. This is because you will also be filled with lots of playful, fun-loving energy! Enjoy!
Aquarius Daily Horoscope
Despite the increased chaos and activity at home, you are out there doing your thing taking short trips, running errands and being busy during the next four weeks. Many of you will read, write and study more than usual as well. (Gasp.)
Pisces Daily Horoscope
You will be bold in all your communications with others in the next few weeks. Definitely. Nevertheless, your primary focus for the next month will be on financial matters – money, cash flow and earnings. (And also sorting out your possessions.)
Birthday on the 20th of March:
Henrik Ibsen, Catherine Ashton, William Hurt, Jerry Reed, Holly Hunter, Spike Lee.
If Your Birthday Is Today
Being on the cusp of Pises and Aries, your outer mask is different from your inner identity. You are sensitive and aggressive. In the next three years, you will experience a time of culmination, success and financial accumulation. That’s why it is wise to settle your debts this year. This is also a social year that also deals with the results of last year’s changes.
Check out if your horoscope for yesterday was true.