At this time, it seems that everything is different and serious. "The Wolf of Wall Street" star, the Hollywood actress Margot Robbie became his new passion.
The star couple got acquainted with the help of not less famous Orlando"s colleague and longtime friend Leonardo DiCaprio. It happened at the ceremony of the Golden Globe Award. According to insider, after the ceremony Orlando and Margo talked as if there was no one but them in a huge hall, then they went to the dance floor, where they had fun until morning.
"Everyone was surprised by how forward they were with each other, but Orlando and Margot knew what they were doing. It is obvious that they liked each other and it would be just great if they became a couple", say eyewitnesses of their first meeting.
And six months later, Orlando decided to conquer Margot, and began to load her with gifts natural for rose and candy stage. He gave her standard candies, flowers and teddy bears of various sizes. And it would have been nice if it had not been for the fact that her heart is now owned by Tom Ackerley with whom Robbie began an affair during the filming of "Suite Française". The couple was often seen together on dates in restaurants, holding hands and kissing. As they say, opportunity only knocks once .
Margot herself admitted that she was very pleasant by Bloom"s attention, but she was not going to break up with Tom, so Orlando have to accept it or to have a lot of patience and hope that the couple would split up. However, the actor is sure that eventually it will happen, and the heart of the beautiful actress will belong to him.