
Scientists discover gene protecting against stroke, heart attack, and migraine

New scientific discoveries will help to develop new treatments for serious diseases.

Scientists discover gene protecting against stroke, heart attack, and migraine

Scientists have discovered a gene that blocks the main factor for stroke in young and middle-aged people. According to scientists, it prevents migraines and may protect against heart attack.

PHACTR1 gene variant was found in a study involving 16,000 volunteers from the US and Europe. The discovery was made by a group of scientists from the University of London.

After studying DNA and diseases of the test people, doctors found out that allele of PHACTR1 gene, apparently, prevents dissection (delamination) of cervical artery – a condition that is the main cause of cerebral hemorrhage at a young age.

According to the scientists, their discovery is "an important breakthrough", which may contribute to the identification of new treatments for stroke.

"Our findings provide us with a greater understanding of how this region of the genome appears to influence key vascular functions, which could have major implications for the treatment of these severe and disabling conditions," said the scientist from the University of London Pankaj Sharma.

According to the researchers, "DNA biobank" of 16 thousand samples obtained during the experiments can be a good base for further discoveries.

Not so long ago, having found mammoth carcass in the ice of Siberia, scientists began to discuss the possibility of cloning ancient animals.

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