
Scientists develop dancing robot able to write on Twitter

The creators of the robot believe that one day it will be as widely used as a smartphone is today.

Scientists develop dancing robot able to write on Twitter

An engineer at Intel and a futurist Brian David Johnson along with a team of designers and engineers has created a robot that can be printed with the help of 3D-printer, and then set up and used at its user's own discretion.

The robot is called Jimmy. In the heart of Jimmy there is an open source code, which will allow him to dance, chat in chat rooms and post tweets.

Jimmy is actually very cute. The functioning of the consumer version of the humanoid prototype was made on Intel Edison platform and its height is just 45 centimeters.

The robot is manufactured at Trossen Robotics in Chicago, and it can be bought in a special kit including exoskeleton made by 3D printer, servo motors, batteries, drawing files and a number of custom applications.

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