On Thursday, the U.S. authorities were informed that hackers seized personal information of four million current and former U.S. government officials. American experts believe that the hacker operation was backed by Chinese experts, performing the missions for the Ministry of Defense of China, Joinfo.ua reports.
Chinese hackers stole Social Security numbers of state employees, their job descriptions, results of performance appraisals, training courses attended. State structures warned their employees, potential victims of hackers, and urged to closely monitor their bank accounts, other financial statements and to make new bank cards.
This serious attack on the database of the Human Resources has been the second one on the part of China in less than a year. The previous one was carried out in December, but its traces were revealed only in April. As a result of the first attack, attackers seized information about family members of government officials and their financial standing, as well as data of the structures engaged in the issue of passes.