The Assistant Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland told about more opportunities for Ukraine. During her speech in Kyiv before the Ukrainian students, she expressed her regret due to the refusal of Russia and said that they would provide the Ukrainian pupils with additional seats. 300 more people will have the opportunity to get involved with the program.
During her speech, Nuland also noted that it is important that the forthcoming elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, as well as the extraordinary local elections in some parts of Luhansk and Donetsk regions were free and fair. According to the Assistant Secretary of State, if the state border is protected, if the elections are carried out transparently, it will bring great benefit to everyone.
It is to be recalled that Russia decided to withdraw from the FLEX international educational program on September 30. Russia has accused the United States in breach of obligations due to unconditional return of its students. Even students" requests not to deprive them of the chance to study in another country did not affect the decision of the Russian government. In their requests, the students noted that not all parents could pay for foreign education.