
Kazakhstan chooses path of European integration

The latest news of Kazakhstan: the country has chosen the European integration and soon will sign Partnership Agreement.

Kazakhstan chooses path of European integration

To date, the Kazakhstan news say that the country is gradually beginning to choose another international program. This week Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev paid a visit to Brussels. He wrote about it in the article, published in The Wall Street Journal. The main purpose of this visit was to complete negotiations on cooperation with the EU and sign the Partnership Agreement.

Despite the fact that Kazakhstan borders with Russia and China, Europe remains its largest trading partner, says Nazarbayev. More than a half of the investments comes to the country from the EU.

Besides, the President of Kazakhstan noted that new transcontinental transport routes would play an important role to their cooperation. Cultural and social relations of Kazakhstan and the EU continue to expand.

According to President Nazarbayev, this week it will be signed the improved Partnership Agreement. This will strengthen the existing ties and establish new ones, he said. The new Partnership Agreement will cover several issues, as well the main one – security.

As for the situation in Ukraine, the President Nursultan Nazarbayev said that both Europe and Kazakhstan are interested in stability and prosperity of this country. According to him, this goal is achievable, and Kazakhstan is ready to help.

Nazarbayev also noted that his country has established cooperation with several EU member states, and agreed to ease visa regime. The signing of the PCA would be a new chapter in cooperation with Europe, he wrote.

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